2d/Murdoc Niccals!!

Everything I make for 2doc
My writings...
My Art...
Headcanons, drabbles, etc...
Murdoc grunted as he got into position. He used his new goggles to observe a rich snob that they have to watch for a few weeks. He turned around, expecting to see 2d with his auto translator. Instead, he saw only mouldy roof tiles. Cursing under his breath, he searched the roof for the camera. Only to realise it was in their bag. Which was with 2d.
“Oh fuck me..”
Murdoc climbed off the roof, hopping down and landing on his ass. Murdoc approached the van. He expected to see 2d passed out again. Instead, he saw men in suits and a blood-covered 2D. Murdoc tensed, backing out of view. He was trying to listen to what the two men were saying. He strained his ears, but 2ds blubbering overpowered anything they said. He stood, bracing for a painful fight. He wasn't sure he'd win. Then, something small pierced his neck. Then his vision started to fade.
Murdoc woke with a groan. It felt like every bone in his body screamed at him. He struggled as he tried to observe his surroundings. 2D sprawled out on the floor, his face caked in blood and dirt. His nose had definitely seen better days. Murdoc rolled onto his back. His headache shot to an 8 on the pain scale. He glared at the bright light, willing it to turn off. He started to watch the door after he heard footsteps approaching.
The door looked heavy; it creaked open with difficulty. He retreated into the dark of their cell as the handle to the door turned. A tall woman came; dark curls framed her face, tan skin, and near-black eyes. She was the friendliest-looking person he had seen in a while. Yet, he had not felt this on edge since making a deal with the devil. A mouth of perfect teeth smiled at him. Everything about her seemed wrong. Her smile was wide, and forced. Her skin looked a few sizes small for her body. She walked in a near-perfect way, yet everything about her walk was wrong. He struggled to repress a shiver as she peered down at him. Her smile seeming to grow wider.
Then it spoke, “Murdoc?” It was a raspy noise. Its head twitched in a way that suggested it couldn’t quite see him correctly.
Murdoc coughed, giving 2d a rough jab in the ribs. “Faff off Mud—” Murdoc felt 2d tense behind him.
"Get up." The thing rasped.
Murdoc stood with his legs trembling. 2D stared in horror, unmoving, leaving Murdoc to pull him up himself.
They stood without making a sound. The creature seemed to inspect them, lingering on their wounds. Then, it spoke. "It seems my team roughed you up a bit more than I asked." It chuckled. "Well, I should cut to the chase—" It touched its neck, searching for something. Then, it pulled down. Its skin parted, revealing green, scaly skin. Its skin suit fell to the ground as it took off its face.
It had beady black eyes on the side of its face, and a short snout with jagged teeth. Its body was wide, its arms and legs short. It had black claws the length of a forearm jutting out of her fingers and toes.
She stretched and smiled at 2D and Murdoc. “I want to hire you."
Murdoc looked at her with a puzzled expression, “For what?”